How can I get involved?

There are many different ways to get involved with the YFJN! You can:

  • Join us! If you facilitate or know of a youth group that is interested in joining the YFJN, please email us at theyfjn@ucceny.org .

  • Host a C.R.A.F.T Day! If you are interested in having the YFJN visit your space, please let us know at theyfjn@ucceny.org

  • Spread the word! Please let your networks other youth groups know about the YFJN!

  • Help plan a summit! If you are interested in joining our planning committee, don't hesitate to contact us at ttheyfjn@ucceny.org

  • Stay updated! Keep up with us here, and don't forget to connect with us on Instagram!

I am interested in having the YFJN visit my space!

Awesome! We really want to empower youth and give them the space to enrich their skill and perspective through peer-to-peer learning. That being said, we also acknowledge that all learning spaces are powerful and meaningful in their own right. If you are interested in having the YFJN visit your space, please email us at theyfjn@ucceny.org .

Are C.R.A.F.T Days solely for the YFJN?

No. We highly encourage organizations that are not a part of the network's core structure to participate in every and any CRAFT Days that are scheduled. The sole purpose of the network is to develop relationships between organizations in the northeast region in order for youth to create strong bonds through the work they are doing.